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Patient Testimonials, Dr. James Wittig, Orthopedic Oncologist, New York
Patient Stories and Testimonials

Dear dr. Wittig,

we were thrilled to see your photo and infomation about your practice in the above mentioned publication. Congratulations on the impending opening of you new office in long island!

We were particularly struck by your photograph; we see what we saw from the very first time we met you - an earnest sense of compassion and caring - it just shines through! How fortunate we were to have this first impression, then find those qualities magnified when you spoke to us. This means a great deal to those of us who are entering a terrifying journey, sometimes feeling as though we are falling into an abyss of nightmarish proportions. You made such a difference in m----‘s and mine life with your excelllent care. We felt you wanted to know us as persons, not just a case. That meant everything to us, it meant you truly listened to our concerns, and addressed them not just with your accomplished expertise but also with understanding our fears, our losses, our need for reassurance and forthright information. Thanking you can never come close to the gratitude and admiration, and if i may say, affection, we will always feel for you. And the support and kindness you extended to our son, b---, was so generous and caring.

M---- is entering the last 3 weeks of treatment with dr. C---, a clinical study we felt was a perfect fit for m----. We met with dr. G---- to begin planning for an autologus sct. M---- is feelling well, finished pt last week, but still must work hard to regain full use of his leg, which he is committed to doing. We will make an appointment to see you for f/u in september.

We wish you continued success in your very important work, and joy and fulfillment in helping restore your patients to a level of the utmost quality of life. Please extend our good wishes and heartfelt appreciation to your staff as well. We look forward to seeing you in september and reporting that m---- has acheived a remission.

with the most sincere gratutude,

ml and pl

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