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Patient Testimonials, Dr. James Wittig, Orthopedic Oncologist, New York
Patient Stories and Testimonials

Dr. Wittig has been such an inspiration in my life, that I had to share my story with others. The following is my college application essay.

It is difficult to believe that over two years have passed since this experience which affected my life and my attitude toward life in an inspirational way.

In the afternoon of October 31, 2006, I sat in my physician's waiting room, expecting a prescription of pain medication and advice for healing a sprained ankle. While I waited, I even joked with my mom that I was wondering if any of my teachers were wearing Halloween costumes that they might later regret!

I remember my mind wandering innocently when mid-daydream I was interrupted with a nurse calling me into an exam room. To say that I was not expecting the diagnosis I received is a tremendous understatement. Little did I know that I was about to board a roller coaster that would shape who I am today.

At the age of 15, I was diagnosed with a tumor in my right femur.

A tumor? Surely, I was too young for such an awful fate. I reiterated the words slowly, disbelievingly, not comprehending fully yet. The frog in my throat, pounding of my heart and nervous churning of my stomach were evidence that I was not simply having a bad dream. This reality was an alarming wake-up call for me.

Although all reports eventually indicated that my tumor was a non-ossifying fibroma, it was still a difficult process of enduring invasive surgery and a painful extended recover. In January 2008, my surgeon recommended a bone graft with a metal plate while the tumor was removed because he was aware that I would like to be a Naval officer one day and this would require full use of my leg.

It is only now, after a successful surgery and rehabilitation period, that I realize how this unfortunate occurrence served a higher purpose. In fact, the experience transformed my entire being on a physical, mental and spiritual level.

I especially learned not to take life for granted and to better appreciate the importance of good health. While coping and overcoming some pretty serious health challenges and concerns, I also gained an incredible amount of respect for medical professionals.

Of course, I am thankful to the people who were supportive of me during this time. In particular, Dr. James Wittig was an influencing factor in helping me maintain a positive approach. He was not only knowledgeable, but comforting as well. My goal is to follow his wonderful example and devote my life to practicing medicine and helping others.

Besides teaching me to face life head-on, I now find that medicine has become my passion. Perhaps, I might have missed my calling had this not happened! Since life does not always go according to the best made plans, we must find the good in every situation, be willing to compromise and find the strength within ourselves to adapt accordingly when necessary.

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